Luk 11:5 And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves;
- Ini Tuhan bicara kepada murid2Nya.
- Si A punya teman B
- A ke B minta 3 roti pada tengah malam.
- Kenapa dia pada tengah malam mau minta roti?
Luk 11:6 For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him?
- Sekarang ada si C (mau kerumah ke A)
- Tapi A tidak punya roti makanya minta ke B
- Apa respond si B waktu A minta roti?
11:7 And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee.
- Sesuai ayat 7, kira2 B mau kasih roti ke A?
11:8 I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.
- Walaupun dia seakan – akan tidak mau bangun dan kasih karena itu temannya dan karena “IMPORTUNITY”
- Apa itu importunity? Mendesak/desakan/permohonan
- Diberikan sebagaimana yang dia minta yaitu 3 roti.
Luk 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
- Tapi syaratnya di ayat 8 yaitu “importunity”
- Apa ayat yang sering sekali kita dengar yang sama persis dengan ini?
Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
- Importunity “with all your heart”
- Back to Luke 11:5
- Word = bread
- Ketika ada teman minta kepada kita dan kita tidak ada roti untuk di share, kira2 kita minta ke siapa? Tuhan!
Jas 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
- Kalau ada diantara kita yang kekurangan semua diatas, minta kepada Tuhan dan Tuhan akan kasih dengan tidak tahan2 tapi dengan syarat importunity / with all your heart.
Apakah kita sekarang lagi jalan di narrow way?
Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
- Perintah Tuhan bilang kepada kita kepada jalan yang sempit.
- Tuhan kasih 2 pilihan
- Strait gate & wide gate
- Banyak yang masuk broad way
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
- Perintah Tuhan kita harus masuk ke strait gate/narrow way
- Walaupun narrow tapi menuntun kepada kehidupan dan hanya sedikit
- Dan banyak ke jalan yang lebar.
- Siapa itu way and life?
Joh_14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
- Artinya Jesus sedang bicara tentang dirinya sendiri.
- Artinya hanya sedikit yang datang kepada Tuhan Yesus.
- Yang banyak diluar Jesus.
- Mat 7:13 “enter ye in”
- Kita mau masuk ke mana?
Joh 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
Joh 10:2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
- Dia yang tidak masuk melalui pintu kekandang tapi melalui cara lain dia adalah perampok.
- Yang masuk lewat pintu dia adalah shepherd of the sheep.
- Ada 2 pilihan lagi :
- Shepherd – lewat pintu
- Robber – tidak lewat pintu
Who is the door?
Joh 10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
JESUS is the door = Mat 7:13,14 (life & way = Jesus)
- To prove it :
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
- Saved = life
- Jalan Tuhan itu narrow dan hanya few yang masuk.
- Kalau lihat gambar kaabah hanya ada 1 pintu
- Door = Jesus
- Kalau lewat tempat lain itu thief
Psa_77:13 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
Traveling the narrow way = Entering in the sanctuary
- Kalau belajar tentang sanctuary apakah kita hanya belajar 2300 / 2520
- Sanctuary ada dimana saja (line upon line).
- Bukan hanya Dan 8:13 &14
Pasal 30 — Berjalan pada Jalan Sempit (LS 190.1 – 193.2)
While at the Battle Creek in August, 1868, I dreamed of being with a large body of people. A portion of this assembly started out prepared to journey. We had heavily loaded wagons. As we journeyed, the road seemed to ascend (menanjak). On one side of this road was a deep precipice; on the other was a high, smooth, white wall, like the hard finish upon plastered rooms. {LS 190.1}
- EGW lagi sama2 dengan a large body of people.
- Tinggal A portion/sekelompok orang yang mengadakan journey.
- Hanya sedikit yang bersiap mempersiapkan diri untuk journey.
As we journeyed on, the road grew narrower and steeper. In some places it seemed so very narrow that we concluded that we could no longer travel with the loaded wagons. We then loosed them from the horses, took a portion of the luggage from the wagons and placed it upon the horses, and journeyed on horseback. {LS 190.2}
- Tadi orang “ a portion” sekarang barang2 pun tinggal a portion of the luggage.
- Yang mereka lepas pertama = wagons dan luggage.
As we progressed, the path still continued to grow narrow. We were obliged to press close to the wall, to save ourselves from falling off the narrow road down the steep precipice. As we did this, the luggage on the horses pressed against the wall, and caused us to sway toward the precipice. We feared that we should fall, and be dashed in pieces on the rocks. We then cut the luggage from the horses, and it fell over the precipice. We continued on horseback, greatly fearing, as we came to the narrower places in the road, that we should lose our balance, and fall. At such times, a hand seemed to take the bridle, and guide us over the perilous way. {LS 190.3}
- Luggage mereka lepaskan supaya tidak jatuh.
- Sekarang mereka tinggalkan horses
- Setelah tinggalkan wagon dan luggage baru ada tangan yang menuntun kalau tidak tinggalkan, tidak akan ada tangan yang akan tuntun.
- Kalau tidak tinggalkan wagon dan luggage, tangan itu tidak akan muncul.
As the path grew more narrow, we decided that we could no longer go with safety on horseback, and we left the horses and went on foot, in single file, one following in the footsteps of another. At this point small cords were let down from the top of the pure white wall; these we eagerly grasped, to aid us in keeping our balance upon the path. As we traveled, the cord moved along with us. The path finally became so narrow that we concluded that we could travel more safely without our shoes; so we slipped them from our feet, and went on some distance without them. Soon it was decided that we could travel more safely without our stockings; these were removed, and we journeyed on with bare feet. {LS 190.4}
- Jalan satu persatu berbaris, bukan berdua-dua
- Sekarang jalan pake kaki dan berbaris masing2, tidak ada jalan berdua-dua
- Setelah turun dari kuda baru ada turun tali.
- Sekarang lepas sepatu dan stockings jalan dengan kaki telanjang.
We then thought of those who had not accustomed themselves to privations and hardships. Where were such now? They were not in the company. At every change, some were left behind, and those only remained who had accustomed themselves to endure hardships. The privations of the way only made these more eager to press on to the end. {LS 191.1}
- Harus biasakan diri dengan privations (kekurangan2) and hardships (kesulitan2).
- Ketika semua satu2 kita tinggalkan, INGAT banyak yang ketinggalan disana..karena yang lain tidak mau tinggalkan makanya mereka tertinggal.
- Setiap ada perubahan (tinggalkan satu persatu seperti wagons dll) banyak orang yang tertinggal karena tidak tinggalkan itu semua.
Our danger of falling from the pathway increased. We pressed close to the white wall, yet could not place our feet fully upon the path, for it was too narrow. We then suspended nearly our whole weight upon the cords, exclaiming: “We have hold from above! We have hold from above!” The same words were uttered by all the company in the narrow pathway. As we heard the sounds of mirth and revelry that seemed to come from the abyss below, we shuddered. We heard the profane oath, the vulgar jest, and low, vile songs. We heard the war song and the dance song. We heard instrumental music, and loud laughter, mingled with cursing and cries of anguish and bitter wailing, and were more anxious than ever to keep upon the narrow, difficult pathway. Much of the time we were compelled to suspend our whole weight upon the cords, which increased in size as we progressed. {LS 191.2}
- Sangat penting company kita.
- Kalau kita bersama company yang mengeluh2 akan mempengaruhi kita.
- Kalau semua semangat, kita semua jadi semangat.
- Kenapa semuanya ini baru kita dengar setelah kita tinggalkan kuda dll? Karena lebih sempit jalan.
- Supaya kita lebih bergantung kepada tali.
- Ini semua membuat kita lebih bergantung kepada tali itu.
I noticed that the beautiful white wall was stained with blood. It caused a feeling of regret to see the wall thus stained. This feeling, however, lasted but for a moment, as I soon thought that it was all as it should be. Those who are following after will know that others have passed the narrow, difficult way before them, and will conclude that if others were able to pursue their onward course, they can do the same. And as the blood shall be pressed from their aching feet, they will not faint with discouragement; but, seeing the blood upon the wall, they will know that others have endured the same pain. {LS 192.1}
- Di dinding ada darah.
- Apa itu stained with blood?
Jesus did not interpose to deliver His servant. He knew that John would bear the test. Gladly would the Saviour have come to John, to brighten the dungeon gloom with His own presence. But He was not to place Himself in the hands of enemies and imperil His own mission. Gladly would He have delivered His faithful servant. But for the sake of thousands who in after years must pass from prison to death, John was to drink the cup of martyrdom. As the followers of Jesus should languish in lonely cells, or perish by the sword, the rack, or the fagot, apparently forsaken by God and man, what a stay to their hearts would be the thought that John the Baptist, to whose faithfulness Christ Himself had borne witness, had passed through a similar experience! {DA 224.2}
- John mau Tuhan kunjungi dia, tapi Tuhan tidak datang.
As a prophet, John was “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” In preparing the way for Christ’s first advent, he was a representative of those who are to prepare a people for our Lord’s second coming. The world is given to self-indulgence. Errors and fables abound. Satan’s snares for destroying souls are multiplied. All who would perfect holiness in the fear of God must learn the lessons of temperance and self-control. The appetites and passions must be held in subjection to the higher powers of the mind. This self-discipline is essential to that mental strength and spiritual insight which will enable us to understand and to practice the sacred truths of God’s word. For this reason temperance finds its place in the work of preparation for Christ’s second coming. {DA 101.2}
In the natural order of things, the son of Zacharias would have been educated for the priesthood. But the training of the rabbinical schools would have unfitted him for his work. God did not send him to the teachers of theology to learn how to interpret the Scriptures. He called him to the desert, that he might learn of nature and nature’s God. {DA 101.3}
- Sebelum masuk pekerjaan Tuhan, Tuhan didik mereka dialam/nature.
Luk 7:28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
- Tidak ada nabi yang lebih besar dari John the Babtist karena dia present 1st coming.
Heb 11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
Heb 11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
- Stephen dilempari batu.
- Dicobai Ayub dan Yusuf, Yakub.
- Paulus di penggal dengan pedang.
- Siapa yang sawn asunder (gergaji sampai pieces).
(Hebrews 11:37). Isaiah Was Sawn Asunder.–Isaiah, who was permitted by the Lord to see wonderful things, was sawn asunder, because he faithfully reproved the sins of the Jewish nation. The prophets who came to look after the Lord’s vineyard, were indeed beaten and killed. “They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword; they wandered about in sheepskins and goat-skins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented”–men of whom the world was not worthy. They were cruelly treated, and banished from the world (ST Feb. 17, 1898). {4BC 1137.1}
- Siapa yang melakukan hal ini kepada nabi2 Tuhan yang dengan setia tegur dosa2 orang Jews?
Mat 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
- Umat Tuhan sendiri yang bunuh nabi-Nya sendiri.
- Setelah lihat ini, apakah kita mau maju terus di narrow way?
Mat 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
- Rejoice dan be exceeding glad!
- Ini yang bikin kita semangat jalan di narrow way.
In reviewing our past history, having traveled over every step of advance to our present standing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what God has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history. {TM 31.1}
- Siapa yang akan aniaya dll kita? Kalau dulu Jerusalem sekarang siapa?
- Kalau dulu Jerusalem.
As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side. Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith, these apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against them. {GC 608.2}
- A large body of people yang tidak lanjut dengan a portion.
- Mereka yang telah berpaling dari kebenaran.
- Tapi join dengan dunia, tapi mereka anggap mereka di jalan yang benar.
- Mereka menjadi agen setan paling efisien dan musuh terbesar.
Apa yang kita tinggalkan saat traveling in the narrow way?
What is the luggage and … yang EGW tinggalkan?
Isa 46:1 Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: your carriages were heavy loaden; they are a burden to the weary beast.
- Heavy loaden =wagon and luggage
- Horses = beast / idols.
If you cannot give all for heaven, you cannot have it.
Will you give up every idol? If there is one thing that you cannot give up, that is your idol.
That will shut you out of Heaven. {RH, July 25, 1854 par. 1}
- Jika Anda tidak dapat memberikan semuanya untuk surga, Anda tidak dapat memilikinya.
- Apakah Anda akan menyerahkan setiap idola (Pujaan)? Jika ada satu hal yang tidak bisa Anda serahkan, itu adalah idola Anda.
- Itu akan membuat Anda tidak bisa ke Surga.
Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
- Narrow way kalau tinggalkan semuanya maka akan jadi ringan.
- Kalau kita ada tentengan kita tidak mungkin akan pegang itu tali dengan baik.
- Jadi lebih ringan untuk di narrow way karena semua sudah ditinggalkan.
At length we came to a large chasm, at which our path ended. There was nothing now to guide the feet, nothing upon which to rest them. Our whole reliance must be upon the cords, which had increased in size, until they were as large as our bodies. Here we were for a time thrown into perplexity and distress. We inquired in fearful whispers, “To what is the cord attached?” My husband was just before me. Large drops of sweat were falling from his brow, the veins in his neck and temples were increased to double their usual size, and suppressed, agonizing groans came from his lips. The sweat was dropping from my face, and I felt such anguish as I had never felt before. A fearful struggle was before us. Should we fail here, all the difficulties of our journey had been experienced for naught. {LS 192.2}
- Sampai pada titik mereka berjalan sudah tidak ada pijakan lagi.
- Lihat James ingat Tuhan Yesus di Getsemani.
- James disini ditemani oleh EGW dengan company.
- Tuhan Yesus sendiri dan tidak ada yang menguatkan.
- Berjuang sendiri untuk kita semua.
- Kita di narrow way berjuang untuk diri sendiri.
- Compare dengan Tuhan Yesus, ingat Tuhan Yesus.
- Ini kita lihat James White :
Again the Son of God was seized with superhuman agony, and fainting and exhausted, He staggered back to the place of His former struggle. His suffering was even greater than before. As the agony of soul came upon Him, “His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” The cypress and palm trees were the silent witnesses of His anguish. From their leafy branches dropped heavy dew upon His stricken form, as if nature wept over its Author wrestling alone with the powers of darkness. {DA 689.3}
- Pohon saja sedih dengan Penciptanya bagaimana dengan kita yang Tuhan Yesus menderita karena kita!
- Alam saja menangis, melihat Pencipta menderita melihat Tuhan Yesus yang menderita untuk kita manusia.
- Apakah yang dialami Jacob juga sama?
- Remember Jacob’s trouble / time of trouble?
Jacob’s experience during that night of wrestling and anguish represents the trial through which the people of God must pass just before Christ’s second coming. The prophet Jeremiah, in holy vision looking down to this time, said, “We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. . . . All faces are turned into paleness. Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jeremiah 30:5-7. {PP 201.1}
- Kita akan alami juga seperti Jacob sebelum second coming.
- Artinya umat Tuhan yang melewati Jacob’s trouble, pasti selamat juga!
- Dimananya di Narrow Way ada pengalaman Jacob?
With earnest cries and tears he made his prayer before God. Suddenly a strong hand was laid upon him. He thought that an enemy was seeking his life, and he endeavored to wrest himself from the grasp of his assailant. In the darkness the two struggled for the mastery. Not a word was spoken, but Jacob put forth all his strength, and did not relax his efforts for a moment. While he was thus battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God’s promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy. The struggle continued until near the break of day, when the stranger placed his finger upon Jacob’s thigh, and he was crippled instantly. The patriarch now discerned the character of his antagonist. He knew that he had been in conflict with a heavenly messenger, and this was why his almost superhuman effort had not gained the victory. It was Christ, “the Angel of the covenant,” who had revealed Himself to Jacob. The patriarch was now disabled and suffering the keenest pain, but he would not loosen his hold. All penitent and broken, he clung to the Angel; “he wept, and made supplication” (Hosea 12:4), pleading for a blessing. He must have the assurance that his sin was pardoned. Physical pain was not sufficient to divert his mind from this object. His determination grew stronger, his faith more earnest and persevering, until the very last. The Angel tried to release Himself; He urged, “Let Me go, for the day breaketh;” but Jacob answered, “I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.” Had this been a boastful, presumptuous confidence, Jacob would have been instantly destroyed; but his was the assurance of one who confesses his own unworthiness, yet trusts the faithfulness of a covenant-keeping God. {PP 196.3}
- Dengan tangisan dan air mata yang sungguh-sungguh ia berdoa di hadapan Tuhan. Tiba-tiba sebuah tangan yang kuat diletakkan di atasnya. Dia berpikir bahwa musuh sedang mencari nyawanya, dan dia berusaha untuk merebut dirinya dari cengkeraman penyerangnya. Dalam kegelapan keduanya berjuang untuk penguasaan. Tidak sepatah kata pun terucap, tapi Yakub mengerahkan seluruh kekuatannya, dan tidak mengendurkan usahanya sejenak. Sementara dia berjuang untuk hidupnya, perasaan bersalah menekan jiwanya; dosa-dosanya bangkit di hadapannya, untuk menutup dia dari Tuhan. Tapi di ujung yang mengerikan dia ingat janji Tuhan, dan seluruh hatinya pergi memohon belas kasihan-Nya. Perjuangan berlanjut sampai menjelang fajar, ketika orang asing itu meletakkan jarinya di atas paha Yakub, dan dia langsung lumpuh. Sang patriark sekarang memahami karakter antagonisnya. Dia tahu bahwa dia sedang berkonflik dengan seorang utusan surgawi, dan inilah mengapa usahanya yang hampir seperti manusia super tidak berhasil. Itu adalah Kristus, “Malaikat perjanjian,” yang telah mengungkapkan diri-Nya kepada Yakub. Sang patriark sekarang telah cacat dan menderita rasa sakit yang paling parah, tetapi dia tidak akan melepaskan cengkeramannya. Semua menyesal dan hancur, dia menempel pada Malaikat; “dia menangis, dan memohon” (Hosea 12: 4), memohon berkat. Ia harus memiliki kepastian bahwa dosanya telah diampuni. Sakit fisik tidak cukup untuk mengalihkan pikirannya dari objek ini. Tekadnya semakin kuat, keyakinannya semakin bersungguh-sungguh dan tekun, hingga yang terakhir. Malaikat mencoba melepaskan diri-Nya; Dia mendesak, “Biarkan Aku pergi, karena hari telah tiba;” tetapi Yakub menjawab, “Aku tidak akan melepaskan Engkau, kecuali Engkau memberkati aku.” Seandainya ini adalah keyakinan yang sombong dan sombong, Yakub akan langsung dihancurkan; tetapi dia adalah jaminan dari seseorang yang mengakui ketidaklayakannya, namun memercayai kesetiaan dari Allah yang memelihara perjanjian.
- Ini mengingatkan kita dengan ayat :
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
- Jacob ingat janji2 Tuhan dalam FirmanNya.
- Jacob sungguh2 sehingga dia tidak di hancurkan.
Satan had accused Jacob before the angels of God, claiming the right to destroy him because of his sin; he had moved upon Esau to march against him; and during the patriarch’s long night of wrestling, Satan endeavored to force upon him a sense of his guilt, in order to discourage him, and break his hold upon God.
When in his distress Jacob laid hold of the Angel, and made supplication with tears, the heavenly Messenger, in order to try his faith, also reminded him of his sin, and endeavored to escape from him. But Jacob would not be turned away. He had learned that God is merciful, and he cast himself upon His mercy. He pointed back to his repentance for his sin, and pleaded for deliverance. As he reviewed his life, he was driven almost to despair; but he held fast the Angel, and with earnest, agonizing cries urged his petition until he prevailed. {PP 201.3}
- Ketika dalam kesusahan Yakub memegang Malaikat, dan membuat permohonan dengan air mata, Utusan surgawi, untuk mencoba imannya, juga mengingatkan dia akan dosanya, dan berusaha untuk melarikan diri darinya. Tapi Yakub tidak akan ditolak. Dia telah belajar bahwa Tuhan itu penuh belas kasihan, dan dia menyerahkan dirinya pada belas kasihan-Nya. Dia menunjuk kembali pada pertobatannya atas dosanya, dan memohon pembebasan. Saat dia meninjau kembali hidupnya, dia hampir putus asa; tetapi dia memegang teguh Malaikat, dan dengan tangisan yang sungguh-sungguh dan menyakitkan mendesak petisinya sampai dia menang
- Tuhan ijinkan Jacob ingat akan dosanya.
Before us, on the other side of the chasm, was a beautiful field of green grass, about six inches high. I could not see the sun, but bright, soft beams of light, resembling fine gold and silver, were resting upon this field. Nothing I had seen upon earth could compare in beauty and glory with this field. But could we succeed in reaching it? was the anxious inquiry. Should the cord break, we must perish. {LS 192.3}
Again, in whispered anguish, the words were breathed, “What holds the cord?” For a moment we hesitated to venture. Then we exclaimed: “Our only hope is to trust wholly to the cord. It has been our dependence all the difficult way. It will not fail us now.” Still we were hesitating and distressed. The words were then spoken: “God holds the cord. We need not fear.” These words were repeated by those behind us, accompanied with: “He will not fail us now. He has brought us thus far in safety.” {LS 193.1}
- Companion mereka, one mind/one faith.
My husband then swung himself over the fearful abyss into the beautiful field beyond. I immediately followed. And oh, what a sense of relief and gratitude to God we felt! I heard voices raised in triumphant praise to God. I was happy, perfectly happy. {LS 193.2}
- Inilah yang terjadi ketika iman mereka sama semua dan percaya bahwa Tuhan Yesus tidak akan tinggalkan mereka.
The crisis in his life was past. Doubt, perplexity,
and remorse had embittered his existence, but now all was changed;
and sweet was the peace of reconciliation with God. {PP 198.1}
- Krisis dalam hidupnya telah berlalu. Keraguan, kebingungan, dan penyesalan telah merusak keberadaannya, tapi sekarang semuanya berubah;dan manisnya perdamaian rekonsiliasi dengan Tuhan.
Memang mereka berasal dari antara kita, tetapi mereka tidak sungguh-sungguh termasuk pada kita;
sebab jika mereka sungguh-sungguh termasuk pada kita, niscaya mereka tetap bersama-sama dengan kita.
Tetapi hal itu terjadi, supaya menjadi nyata, bahwa tidak semua mereka sungguh-sungguh termasuk pada kita.