* Berdasarkan Penjelasan Alkitab & Roh Nubuat

“Firman-Mu adalah pelita bagi kaki-ku, dan terang bagi jalan-ku;  Masuknya Firman-Mu memberi terang; itu memberikan pengertian bagi orang sederhana. ” 

Mazmur 119:105,130.


  • Obat
  • Apa itu obat ?
  • Apakah vaksin termasuk obat ?
  • Apakah obat bisa menyembuhkan penyakit ?

The drugs administered to the sick do not restore, but destroy. Drugs never cure. Instead, they place in the system seeds which bear a very bitter harvest. {2SM 288.3}

  • Penggunaan obat tidak memulihkan, tapi menghancurkan. Obat tidak pernah menyembuhkan. Sebaliknya, obat menaruh dalam sistem tubuh, benih yang memberikan panen yang sangat pahit. {2SM 288.3}

Drugs never cure disease . . .{HL 243.3} 

Apakah obat berbahaya? 

As to drugs’ being used in our institutions, it is contrary to the light which the Lord has been pleased to give. The drugging business has done more harm to our world and killed more than it has helped or cured. {MM 27.2}

  • Ketika obat-obat digunakan di institusi-institusi kita, itu bertentangan dengan terang yang dengan senang Tuhan berikan. Perusahaan bisnis obat telah lakukan lebih banyak bahaya kepada dunia dan membunuh lebih banyak daripada membantu atau menyembuhkan. {MM 27.2}

Alasan Pakai Obat 

Saya perlu cepat sembuh, saya perlu kerja segera

The sick are in a hurry to get well, and their friends are impatient. They will have medicine; and if they do not feel the powerful influence upon their systems that their erroneous views lead them to think they should feel, they impatiently send for another physician. {RH, September 12, 1899 par. 1} 

Very many lives have been sacrificed by physicians’ administering drugs for unknown diseases. They have no real knowledge of the exact disease which afflicts the patient. But physicians are expected to know in a moment what to do, and unless they act at once as though they understood the disease perfectly, they are considered by impatient friends, and by the sick, as incompetent physicians. {2SM 452.1}

Hasil Pakai Obat

Bagaimana cara obat bekerja dan apa hasilnya ?

Drugs never cure disease; they only change its form and location. . . . When drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a beneficial effect. A change may take place, but the disease is not cured. It will manifest itself in some other form. . . . The disease which the drug was given to cure may disappear, but only to reappear in a new form, such as skin diseases, ulcers, painful, diseased joints, and sometimes in a more dangerous and deadly form. . . . Nature keeps struggling, and the patient suffers with different ailments, until there is a sudden breaking down in her efforts, and death follows.–H. to L., Chap. 3, p. 60.  {HL 243.3}


Apakah obat membantu proses penyembuhan yang dilakukan tubuh manusia ?

Every additional drug given to the patient . . . will complicate the case, and make the patient’s recovery more hopeless. . . . An evil, simple in the beginning, which nature aroused herself to overcome, and which she would have done if left to                                                                        herself, aided by the common blessings of Heaven, has been made tenfold worse by introducing drug poisons into the system, which cause of themselves a destructive disease, forcing into extraordinary action the remaining life forces to war against and overcome the drug intruder.–H. to L., Chap. 3, p. 57.  {HL 243.4}  

Many, instead of seeking to remove the poisonous matter from the system, take a more deadly poison into the system to remove a poison already there.–H. to L., Chap. 4, p. 64.  {HL 243.1}

Apakah TUHAN membuat obat sebagai pembantu alam (tubuh manusia) ?

The feeble and suffering ones must be educated line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, until they will have respect for and live in obedience to the law that God has made to control the human organism. . . Drugs, in the place of helping nature [human organism], are constantly paralyzing her efforts. {MM 224.1}

  • Obat-obatan, yang ditempatkan untuk membantu alam, malah dengan tetap melemahkan usaha-usahanya. {MM 224.1}

Apa yang bisa membantu proses kesembuhan yang dilakukan tubuh ?

Nature’s simple remedies will aid in recovery without leaving the deadly after effects so often felt by those who use poisonous drugs. They destroy the power of the patient to help himself. {2SM 281.3}

  • Herbal sederhana dari alam akan membantu pemulihan tanpa meninggalkan efek mematikan yang begitu sering dirasakan oleh mereka yang menggunakan obat-obat beracun. Mereka menghancurkan kekuatan pasien untuk membantu dirinya sendiri. {2SM 281.3}

Hal Ini berlaku untuk obat yang mana ?

The endless variety of medicines in the market, the numerous advertisements of new drugs and mixtures, all of which, they say, result in wonderful cures, kill hundreds where they benefit one. {RH, September 12, 1899 par. 4}

  • Macam-macam obat yang tidak ada habisnya di pasaran, berjubel-jubel iklan obat-obat baru dan campurannya, yang mana, mereka bilang, hasilnya penyembuhan yang indah, membunuh ratusan dimana yang bermanfaat hanya satu. {RH, September 12, 1899 par. 4}

Jika obat begitu berbahaya, kenapa orang sembuh bukannya meninggal?

And yet many are so blinded they do not see that all the drugs they have taken have not cured them, but made them worse. Poisonous drugs have not killed them outright, for nature is loth to give up her hold on life. She is unwilling to cease her struggles. Yet these drug-takers are never well. {2SM 453.2} 

Apa yang terjadi dibalik “kesembuhan” seseorang dengan penggunaan obat?

Although the patient may recover, yet the powerful effort nature was required to make to induce action to overcome the poison, injured the constitution, and shortened the life of the patient. {2SM 442.2}


Apa hasil penggunaan obat tahunan dan terus menerus?

Yet people keep dosing, and continue to grow weaker until they die. {HL 245.1}


Obat dan Karakter : Apa karakter dihasilkan penggunaan obat?

They (who used drugs) are seeking to correct an evil, but produce a far greater one, which is often incurable. Those who are thus dealt with are constantly sick, and constantly dosing. And yet, if you listen to their conversation, you will often hear them praising the drugs they have been using, and recommending their use to others, because, they say, they have been benefited by their use. It would seem that to such as can reason from cause to effect, the sallow countenance, the continual complaints of ailments, and the general prostration of those who claim to be benefited, would be sufficient proofs of the health-destroying influence of drugs. {RH, September 12, 1899 par. 3} 



Siapa Penerima Vaksin ? (1)

Siapa Penerima Vaksin ? (2)

Siapa Penerima Vaksin ? (3)

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