[Pesan Video] – Jadi Pemenang – Orang muda
Sebuah PESAN ORANG TUA berdasarkan PENGALAMAN HIDUP untuk mengajar dan mendidik anak-anak muda yang belum mengerti tentang Kehidupan Nyata.
Terimakasih atas pengalaman orang-orang tua kita, yang sudah melalui berbagai rintangan hidup, membawa PELAJARAN BERHARGA bagi kita anak-anak muda, khususnya yang hidup di Akhir Zaman ini. Mulut bisa mengaku “Tuhan Yesus sudah mau datang”, tapi yang dunia butuhkan bukan mulut yang asal bicara.
Dunia BUTUH untuk MELIHAT KEHIDUPAN yang NYATA yang dihidupkan orang-orang di Akhir Zaman.
Apakah kehidupan kita sungguh-sungguh menyatakan Tuhan Yesus memang sudah mau datang? Atau justru kehidupan kita menunjukkan TUHAN MASIH LAMA DATANG? Karena apa yang kita buat ternyata menunjukkan “MASIH BISA KOK…” akan sesuatu yang sudah tidak bisa? Atau terlalu berat rasanya untuk melepaskan “CINTA” saking terlalu nyaman?
Apakah Cinta Manusia itu yang akan membawa kita ke Surga? No.. No its NOT.
Seringkali kita Anak Muda, merasa diri LEBIH PINTAR daripada orang-orang tua yang sudah berpengalaman, sehingga kita selaaaalu merasa apa yang kita buat pasti benar.
Seringkali kita Anak Muda, NGGAK SADAR akan LUBANG JERAT SETAN yang ADA DIDEPAN MATA, tapi saking halus dan lihainya Setan bekerja, kita sering berdalih “APA SALAHNYA? GAK ADA SALAHNYA KOK” kita tau, sudah belajar, semua akan terlepas dari kita. Lalu kenapa kita masih MEMPERTAHANKAN apa yang SEHARUSNYA SUDAH DILEPASKAN? Pilihlah untuk MENANG..belajarlah dari yang SUDAH BERPENGALAMAN, supaya kita JANGAN MASUK LUBANG YANG SAMA.. “HOW DO YOU TREAT MY MESSAGE?” – Tuhan tanya..
Kita punya TELINGA untuk MENDENGAR, MATA untuk MELIHAT, pekabaran yang SANGAT JELAS yang TUHAN sampaikan, orang tua sampaikan, apakah kita sekarang mau TERIMA atau TOLAK? Tuhan katakan.. “I WANT TO SEE.. ACTION” Selamat menang, kita semua, anak-anak Muda. TUHAN SANGAT CINTA KITA❤️ Mat 10:37
HE THAT LOVETH father or mother MORE THAN ME is NOT WORTHY OF ME: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Mat 10:38 And he that TAKETH NOT HIS CROSS, and FOLLOWETH AFTER ME, is NOT WORTHY OF ME. 1Co 7:29 But this I say, brethren, THE TIME IS SHORT: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none; Ecc 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; The YOUNG are BEWITCHED with the MANIA for COURTSHIP and MARRIAGE.
EXPERIMENTAL KNOWLEDGE NEEDED I would appeal to the youth to CUT the finest thread which BINDS YOU IN PRACTICE and IN SPIRIT with THE WORLD. [MYP 139.3]
MANY OF OUR YOUTH UNDERSTAND THE THEORY OF THE TRUTH, but how FEW UNDERSTAND by EXPERIMENTAL KNOWLEDGE the PRACTICAL BREATING of the truth upon their every ACTION. Where are youthful missionaries doing any work that presents itself to them in the great harvest field? Where are those who are daily learners in the school of Christ?
Let THEM NEVER FEEL that they are PREPARED TO GRADUATE. Let them wait in the courts of the Lord, that they may be directed as to how to work in unison with the heavenly intelligences. DEAR YOUTH, I wish to speak decidedly to you BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO BE SAVED.
LOSE NO MORE TIME. You CANNOT serve God and mammon. You may APPARENTLY be Christians, but when temptations come, when sorely tried, do you not generally yield? [MYP 140.1] TURN YOUR MIND AWAY from ROMANTIC PROJECTS. You MINGLE with your RELIGION a ROMANTIC, LOVESICK SENTIMENTALISM, which DOES NOT ELEVATE, but only LOWERS. It is NOT YOURSELF ALONE who is AFFECTED; OTHERS are INJURED by your EXAMPLE AND INFLUENCE…. DAYDREAMING and romantic castle building have unfitted you for usefulness. You have LIVED IN AN IMAGINARY WORLD; you have been an IMAGINARY MARTYR and an IMAGINARY CHRISTIAN. [AH 52.4]
There is much of this LOW SENTIMENTALISM MINGLED with THE RELIGIOUS EXPERINECE of the young in this age of the world. My sister, GOD REQUIRES YOU TO BE TRANSFORMED. ELECATE your affections, I implore you. DEVOTE your MENTAL and PHYSICAL POWERS to the service of your Redeemer, who has bought you. SANCTIFY your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS that all your works may be wrought in God. [AH 53.1]
WE HAVE BUT LITTLE TIME to lay up a treasure of good works in heaven; do not make any mistake here.
Let your EXAMPLE be of such A CHARACTER that you will HELP OTHERS to take their stand for Jesus.
Young men do not know what a POWER OF INFLUENCE THEY MAY HAVE. Work for time and work for eternity.
Your adopted mother, Ellen G. White. – Letter 59, 1880 [LYL 37.3]