November 26, 1827 E.G White born at Gorham, Maine, a twin and youngest of eight children

February 13, 1840 Heard William Miller present the Advent Message
June 26, 1842 Accepted as a member of the Methodist Church
September, 1843 Dismissed from Methodist Church for “breach of discipline”
October 22, 1844 Passed through Advent disappointment
December, 1844 First vision
August 30, 1846 Married to James White
August-September, 1846 Accepted seventh day Sabbath
April 3, 1847 Vision of Heavenly Sanctuary and halo of light around fourth commandment
August 26, 1847 Birth of first child, Henry Nichols White
April-October, 1848 Attend five Sabbath Conferences, Connecticut, New York, and Maine Autumn, 1848 Vision regarding Tobacco, Tea, Coffee
November, 1848 Vision calling for Publishing Work to become like “streams of light around the world”
July, 1849 Encouraged James White to publish Present Truth
July, 28, 1849 Birth of second son James Edson White
July, 1851 Published first book, “A Sketch of the Christian Experience and View of Ellen G. White, ” 64 Pages
April, 1852 Established home in Rochester, New York
February 12, 1854 Vision regarding personal cleanliness, “fine food,” “rich food,” “coarse food”
August 29, 1854 Birth of third son William Clarence White
November, 1855 Moved to Battle Creek, Michigan
December, 1855 Published 16-page Testimony for the Church (no.1)
March 14, 1858 Comprehensive Great Controversy Vision in Ohio
September, 1858 Published account of Great Controversy vision in 219-page Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1
June 6, 1863 Health Reform Vision at Otsego, Michigan
August, 1864 Published Comprehensive Article on Health in Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4
January-June, 1865 Published six basic articles on Health in “Health or How to Live” pamphlets, Numbers 1-6
December 25, 1865 Vision calling for Health Institutions where sick might regain health and might learn how to take care of themselves so as to prevent sickness
September 5, 1866 Present at Opening of Western Health Reform Institute (Battle Creek Sanitarium)
1866-1868 Cared for invalid husband in retirement in Northern Michigan
September 1-7, 1868 Attended first Camp Meeting at Wright, Michigan
September, 1872 First trip to California
1873-1876 Assisted J.H. Kellogg in obtaining medical education at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City
January 3, 1875 Vision of printing presses in different countries
January 4, 1875 Attended dedication of Battle Creek College
November-April, 1878-1879 Lived and worked in Texas
August 6, 1881 Death of James White at Battle Creek Sanitarium
1882 Published Early Writings, reprint of first three books
1884 Completed somewhat enlarged account of the Great Controversy with Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. IV
July 13, 1885 Left Healdsburg, California home for a two-year sojourn in Europe
1885-1887 Lived in Basel, Switzerland, but visited principal European Countries three times
August 11, 1887 Arrived back in the United States
April, 1888 Completed work on Great Controversy, working in her home in Healdsburg, California
October-November, 1888 Attended important Minneapolis General Conference Session where message of Righteousness by Faith was presented with new force
1889-1890 Labored in churches and general meetings, presenting message of Righteousness by Faith
1890 Published Patriarchs and Prophets
1890 Published Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, Forerunner of Ministry of Healing. (Introduction by Dr. J. H. Kellogg)
November 12, 1891 Left California for Australia to be gone nine years
1892 Published Steps to Christ
May 24, 1894 Helped select site at Corranbong for establishing Australian Missionary College
July1895 Purchased land for her “Sunnyside” home at Cooranbong
1896 Published Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing
1898 Published Desire of Ages
1899-1900 Encouraged and aided in establishment of Sydney Sanitarium
1900 Published Christ’s Object Lessons
August, 1900 Returned to United States and settled at “Elmshaven” near St. Helena Sanitarium
1900 Published Testimonies, Vol.6 containing important counsels on educational work
April, 1901 Attended General Conference session at Battle Creek, Michigan and called for a reorganization of the General Conference. The immediate response was a reorganization providing for union conferences, General Conference Departments, and an enlarged General Conference Committee.
1902 Published Testimonies, Vol.7 containing important counsels regarding Medical Work
April, 1903 Counseled moving General Conference headquarters and Review and Herald Publishing House (burned in Dec. 1902) to east coastOctober
1903 Met pantheistic teachings and saved the denomination
1903 Published Education
1904 Led out in purchase of Paradise Valley Sanitarium
1904 Published Testimonies, Vol.8
June 1905 Recognized Loma Linda Sanitarium building and called for purchase of property. Declared that it would be important educational center
1905 Published Ministry of Healing
April 15, 1906 Gave dedicatory address at Loma Linda Sanitarium
May-June, 1909 Attended General Conference session in Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. Last trip east
June 1, 1909 Presented message “Faithfulness in Health Reform” (Testimonies, Vol. 9, pp.153-172)
1909 Presented Appeal for Loma Linda College of Medical Evangelists, (Testimonies, Vol. 9, pp. 173-178)
January 29, 1910 E.G. White two-paragraph statement calling for a fully equipped and full fledged medical school at Loma Linda read to delegates at Pacific Union Conference session which led to the far-reaching decision to conduct a medical college at Loma Linda
1911 E.G. White leads out in securing more land adjacent to Loma Linda property for future development of the work
1911 Published Acts of Apostles
February 9, 1912 E.G. White executed last will appointing trustees to care for her writings after her death
April 4, 1912 E.G. White meeting with CME Board places approval for Clinical Work of medical college being done in Los Angeles. “Part of the work here (Loma Linda’s and part in Los Angeles).” —Reported by W.C. White
1913 Published Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, containing instruction calling for adequate pre-medical training in SDA senior colleges (pp. 479-80)
1914 E. G. White worked on manuscript for Prophets and Kings
February 13, 1915 E.G. White fell at the door of her writing room, broke her hip and was confined to her bed or wheel chair. Accident terminated her literary work
March 3, 1915 Last vision given to E. G. White (See Messages to Young People, pp.287-289)
May 9, 1915 E.G. White rejoices in purchase of land in Los Angeles for White Memorial Hospital
1915 Published Gospel Workers
July 16, 1915 E. G. White died at her “Elmshaven” home at the age of 87
July 25, 1915 E.G. White buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Battle Creek, Michigan, Posthumous E.G. White Books on Health Compiled and Published by White Trustees
1923 Counsels on Health
1932 Medical Ministry
1938 Counsels on Diet and Foods
1949 Temperance

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